California Energy Consultant Service has been serving Roseville for more than 40 years, helping many to achieve better home energy efficiency and better home comfort.
We’re excited to announce the City of Roseville has important rebates for making upgrades to home comfort systems: windows & doors, heating & air conditioning systems, water heaters, appliances, and more.
Give us a call at 916-852-8132 to discuss how these rebates can help you save money, improve energy efficiency, and positively affect your utilities bill.
Here’s a partial list of upgrades and incentive amounts for you to review. The fuller list is available by clicking here.
Paperwork Required
Incentive Amount
AC Condenser
≥ 18 SEER / 13 EER
One rebate per whole system must be
replaced. On a split system both inside
and outside coils must be changed.
- Paid in Full Invoice
- Permit Final
- Signed application form
Split System (16 SEER/8.2 HSPF) Package System (15 SEER/ 8.0 HSPF) Compressor must be 2 stage or better. One rebate per whole system must be replaced. On a split system both inside and outside coils must be changed
- Paid in Full Invoice
- T24 HERS Certificates
- Permit Final
- Signed application form
$900/ton, gas to electric
$250/ton, electric to electric
Window(s) Replacement
≤ 30 U-factor / .25 SHGC
$1,000 Max per address
- Paid In Full Invoice
- Spec sheet for each window/Energy
Star Label - Work order with dimensions
- Signed application form
$5.00 per square foot
Panel Upgrade
Dedicated Circuits:
Level 2 EV Charger
HP Water Heater
Induction Cooktop
Heat Pump Dryer
- Set of Electrical Plans
- Paid in Full Invoice
- Signed application form
HP Water Heater
NEEA Tier 3 or 4 rated with CCE of ≥2.8
Must be from approved product list
- Paid in Full Invoice
- Spec sheet listing UEF
- Permit Final
- Signed application form
$3,000, gas to electric
$600, electric to electric
- Incentives cannot exceed the project cost. There is no cap on the total incentive.
- The AC condenser rebate and HPHVAC rebate can not be combined.
- Equipment must be purchased and installed prior to submitting online.
- Applications must be postmarked no later than 90 days from system installation date.
- This program has a limited budget. Applications will be accepted on a first come, first served basis, until funds are depleted.
- This program is for retrofit only. Funds cannot be used for new construction.
- All energy efficient equipment must be installed at a single-family residence receiving electricity from Roseville Electric Utility and must be purchased at retail price. Products that have been resold, rebuilt, rented, leased, exchanged, won as a prize or have had new parts installed into existing products are not eligible for rebate.